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Pet Info: Penny a Gidget

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Pet Info: Penny a Gidget

Pet Info
Owner: Angella
Name: Penny
System ID: 288388
Agency ID: None
Gender: F
Age: Adult
Breed: Gidget
Species: Gidget
Generation: Bred
Agency: Gidgets
Inbreeding: 34.7656 %
Date Added: Jun. 14, 2010
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Description Name: Penny
Description: Penny is a kind and loyal friend who nonetheless can be a little absent-minded. Just when it comes to little things, like forgetting to turn the kitchen stove off and thus almost causing the house to explode, or accidentally cutting the brakes on Angella's car. Penny's just a little absent-minded. Unless, of course, she's just using absent-mindedness as a front and is actually planning to kill us all. Hmm...  

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