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Pet Info: Thor a Faequine

Pet Info
Owner: Lady Everlasting
Name: Thor
System ID: 4058
Agency ID: 002
Gender: M
Age: Adult
Breed: Faequine
Species: Faequine
Generation: Wild
Agency: FaeKind
Inbreeding: 0 %
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Nose and Jowl Horns
Date Added: Jan. 8, 2010
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Agency Info Metal

Description Type: Custom Posed Male Dual Horn with Jowl Horns

Element: Metal

Skills: He is extremely large and strong. His element is metal so he is work on drawing upon the element to make himself stronger both in increased physical strength and longer endurance. His element level is higher, but his mental control is low so he often can only draw upon his element when he is aggrivated or worried about something or someone.

Mate: Alata (Pony Fae)

Offspring: Eclipse (Dual Horn Filly), born on Wintersday Journey January 2007. Dusk (Custom Posed Dual Horn Colt with Jowl Horns), born on Wintersday Journey January 2008.

Parents: Wild x Wild

Personality:He is the leader of the herd; very quiet and reserved. He's very smart but doesn't talk much and generally just likes to oversee things. He tries not to get involved and allows others to sort out there problems but will always help a friend if they are in need. Initially he comes off as a rather intimidating stallion and many who do not know him can't read him very well. He was not always the sort of stallion he is now, when he was younger he was good friend with Odin and the two of them spent endless hours training and fighting. When he met Alata, the mare brought a change about in him and he is now a very devote herd leader.

Familiars: Syn, blue and black reet gifted to him by Lightstar Christmas 2008.

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