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Pet Info: Omorose a Desert

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Pet Info: Omorose a Desert

Pet Info
Owner: Lady Everlasting
Name: Omorose
System ID: 4060
Agency ID: 055
Gender: F
Age: Adult
Breed: Desert
Species: Faequine
Generation: Wild
Agency: FaeKind
Inbreeding: 0 %
Date Added: Jan. 8, 2010
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Agency Info Light

Description Type: Winged Unicorn Desert Fae Mare

Element: Light

Skills: She somewhat high mental control so she is working on Telekinesis as an independent ability, although she has lower purity so she can't sustain the power for very long right now. Elemental ability she is working on is increasing, decreasing or simply manipulating the light around her and being able to sustain both Elemental and Independent abilities for longer periods of time.

Mate: Obliette (owned by Garney)

Offspring: Osiris (Desert Unicorn Colt), born on the Wintersday Journey January 2007. Hsing (Desert Pony Filly), born on the Wintersday Journey January 2008.

Parents: Wild x Wild

Personality: She cares a great deal about how she looks, but despite being somewhat vain she's a very caring fae and can be quite persausive with her charms if she chooses to be. She left her home in the desert with a handful of other desert faes, and joined the field herds for the Wintersday Journey in 2007. There she joined up with Thor's herd and chose to stay in the fields with them.

She is permanently mated to Garney's Obliette and they have had two wonderful offspring together, Osiris who lives with Omorose and Hsing who lives with Obliette.
Familiar: Amenti, a reet given to her by her mate during Christmas 2008.

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