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Pet Info: Eclipse a Faequine

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Pet Info: Eclipse a Faequine

Pet Info
Owner: Lady Everlasting
Name: Eclipse
System ID: 4062
Agency ID: 178
Gender: F
Age: Adult
Breed: Faequine
Species: Faequine
Generation: Bred
Agency: FaeKind
Inbreeding: 0 %
Date Added: Jan. 8, 2010
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Agency Info Shadow

Description Type: Dual Horn Mare

Element: Shadow

Skills: She is working on manipulating her own shadow so that she can move it to surround herself. She has low mental control so often times this only happens when she has a huge change of emotion, which results in her shadow moving round her, making her appear darker or harder to see.

Mate: None yet, but she's looking.

Offspring: None

Parents: Thor x Alata

Personality: She is a bit of both parents combined into one. She has Thor's widsom and bravery, but is not so quiet and reserved. She is more like her mother in that regard and is sociable and liked by nearly everyone she meets. Others her age often look to her from advice, and she could one day make a wonderful lead mare.

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