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Pet Info: Odin a Faequine

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Pet Info: Odin a Faequine

Pet Info
Owner: Lady Everlasting
Name: Odin
System ID: 4065
Agency ID: 217
Gender: M
Age: Adult
Breed: Faequine
Species: Faequine
Generation: Wild
Agency: FaeKind
Inbreeding: 0 %
Date Added: Jan. 8, 2010
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Agency Info Ether

Description Type: Custom Posed Winged Tricorn Male

Element: Ether

Skills: Odin utilizes his Ether element by converting all the Ether controlled elements (Fire, Light, Air, and Ice) into Electricity. He pulls any electricity near him into his body and then converts any of the other four elements that get near him into Electricity. He is able to convert light and fire the quickest as they are closer to electricity with air being next and ice the most difficult and slowest for him to convert. When he comes in contact with the other elements he draws them towards his body as they are being converted and then sends the energy back out in a blast of electricity. This can result in extreme pain, shock and unconsiousness in another fae depending on how much energy was sent out. The energy he can send back out is stronger if he has another faes elements to draw from, so if he were fighting a fae that was a light element he would be much stronger against them then he would be an earth or shadow. If he does not have a fae who's powers he can draw from (so any fae that is blood, earth, shadow, metal or water) he has to draw from what is availble to him in the environment. There is always air in the environment and usually light as well so he will always have some type of power to draw from as he does not have enough element control to simply create. He would be his most dangerous during a lighting storm or as he would not need to convert any elements and would simply draw the mass amounts of electricty around him.

As an independant ability he is working on Telekinesis. He has pretty high mental control and therefore has fairly good control on his ability to move objects. He is able to direct the objects and is often able to hit on target several times in a row. He is mostly limited by his purity which is 6 and therefore will drain moderatly quick and leave him unable to move very heavy objects. Telekinesis comes in handy during battles for him as he can throw back objects if they are launched at him or especially if he has a limited ability to draw upon his element, such as at night against a water element where he wuold have nothing but the air to draw from and convert.

Mate: Espiritu

Offspring: None

Parents: Wild x Wild

Personality: Odin is a loner. He and Thor grew up together and used to be alot alike. Odin is still the same way now, loves to fight, dominate and conquer. He's kept up practicing his skills since then whereas most Field Faes have not. He doesn't really have any friends and prefers it that way. Odin basically cares about Odin and thats it. This could change in the future, it would depend on what happens as he joins the herd and if any females try and trouble themselves with him. Recently, the only thing of any concern to him is Espiritu and the reet she has given him Freya. He guards both possessively and the two of them seem to slowly be creating a change in him.

Familiars:Freya, white and purple reet gifted to him by Espiritu Christmas 2008.

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