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Pet Info: Twilight's Radiance a Faequine

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Pet Info: Twilight's Radiance a Faequine

Twilight's Radiance
Pet Info
Owner: Lady Everlasting
Name: Twilight's Radiance
System ID: 4066
Agency ID: 218
Gender: F
Age: Adult
Breed: Faequine
Species: Faequine
Generation: Wild
Agency: FaeKind
Inbreeding: 0 %
Date Added: Jan. 8, 2010
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Agency Info Shadow

Description Type: Tricorn Mare

Element: Shadow

Skills: she has higher mental control and is working on increasing her telepathy skills as an indepdant ability. Twilight randomly gets muttled up thoughts of others around her, and she working on getting a better control on stopping the incoming thoughts unless she wants them, while ensuring she doesn't send out thoughts when she's emotional, because when she gets upset it's like her emotions are slammed into the other person. For an elemental ability she is working on creating shadows that are not there. She is not quite able to do so yet, but she has very good ability to manipulate existing shadows and can sustain their manipulate for extended periods of time.

Mate: Alitair

Offspring: None

Parents: Wild x Wild

Personality: She is a good natured fae who is extremely loyal to the friends she does have, but she has difficulty being in large groups as she still is not entirely able to shut off her telepathy and she gets very muttled with so many thoughts entering her mind. But she does enjoy others company and will try to engage in some group activities in order to work on her telepathy skills as well.

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