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Pet Info: Beowulf a Faequine

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Pet Info: Beowulf a Faequine

Pet Info
Owner: Lady Everlasting
Name: Beowulf
System ID: 4068
Agency ID: 234
Gender: M
Age: Adult
Breed: Faequine
Species: Faequine
Generation: Wild
Agency: FaeKind
Inbreeding: 0 %
Date Added: Jan. 8, 2010
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Agency Info Blood

Description Type: Male Dualhorn

Element: Blood

Skills: For being a larger fae he's vey stealthy. He has lower elemental control so he does not have any control over his power really, but he can cause pain to other living things by what appears to be the constricting of veins and arteries. He does not enjoy this power, especially since he has no control over it and it generally manifests itself whenever he has elevated emotions. He gets around this by having a fairly good handle on his emotions and luckily his power isn't strong enough to cause any real damage, only momentary bursts of pain. If possible, he would like to work very hard being able to gain a better control over this ability so as to not hurt anyone unintentionally. He has a high shifting ability so he is working on shifting into another form, which is a large grey and red wolf, which he is getting closer to doing.

Mate: None, he will be looking.

Offspring: None

Parents: Wild x Wild

Personality: He is somewhat of a loner, he does not seek out the comanonship of anyone, but will engage with others if they approach him. He is concerned to have anyone too close to him because he does not want to hurt them accidentally. This results in him staying to the fringe of the herd often times, but is always willing and able to help if the need arises. He often appears emotionless because he has a very good handle on them, and does not express grief, excitement, anger or any other emotion normally for fear of something happening he does not intend. He would very much like a mate, but the female would have to be ready to assume the risks and be persistant because if he really liked her he would try his best to push her away from him in order to keep her safe.

Familiars: None

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