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Pet Info: Mushroom a Light

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Pet Info: Mushroom a Light

Pet Info
Owner: Silvanon
Name: Mushroom
System ID: 516565
Agency ID: 355
Gender: M
Age: Adult
Breed: Light
Species: Horse
Generation: Wild
Agency: TheStable
Inbreeding: 0 %
Date Added: Apr. 16, 2011
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Agency Info Blue roan
Description Date Received: 3-2-10
Notes: aa E? cc R? dd gg ww ll ?? tt oo ?? ?? zz ??

Mushroom's Story:
Once upon a time there was a stallion named Mushroom.  Mushroom was named for his color, blue roan, which reminded his owner of the greyish fungus.  Despite looking like one, Mushroom did not like mushrooms.  He liked apples.

Mushroom liked all sorts of apples: big ones, little ones, fresh crisp ones, green ones stolen off the trees before they were ready, even slightly past their best fallen on the ground ones.  If it was an apple, Mushroom liked it.  Mushroom couldn't imagine there'd be anything about any apple that he wouldn't like.  This was because Mushroom's imagination was rather limited.

One day Mushroom found a very large barrel of newly picked apples that his owner had forgotten to seal up properly.  When he nosed at it, the lid came right off.  Mushroom was not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, so without hesitation he began to eat.  The first apple was delicious.  The second was heavenly.  The third was positively mouthwatering.  The twentieth was so savory he had to eat it despite feeling full.  Upon eating his forty-third apple, he felt to the ground.

He awoke some time later with no memories in his head, and a taste in his mouth that, despite being sweet, was somehow disagreeable.

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