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"Welcome to our little farm on Secundi. We like to call ourselves "Subtle Creek Farm". We raise dogs, and horses. We have a couple critters that we keep just as pets, not for breeding or showing purposes. Our resident Night Nom, Rhae will be your hostess during your visit."

"Hiya! Ma'name is Rhae. And I'm a Night Nom, and I like to give tours of our farm! I just recently started to live here in the garden, and I'm the first... and only. So, I tend to play with all the dogs who reside over at the two kennels that we have here. I also go over to keep the horses company, they live in a huge barn!
Every night, we provide supper and refreshments for our guests. They can also take turns down at our riding facility to ride some of the horses. We have one horse, Cayli, who we use to pull carriages. We offer carriage rides to all our guests, so please see the front desk for more information regarding them.
During the day, you are welcome to watch the dog training. We compete our dogs in agility, stamina and conformation. We also run a breeding program specializing in Samoyeds.
Anyways, please enjoy your stay!"